2022 Fall Product - How to Manual:

 This post lists the quick-clicks to do everything in M2:

      SUFPM to enter/add/edit paper order card orders:
1.     From the Dashboard, click “Paper Order Entry”
2.     Choose the troop from the drop-down menu at the top
3.     Click the girl's name
4.     Enter her total nut/chocolate items by variety from her order card
TFPM to enter/add/edit paper order card orders:
1.     From the Dashboard, click “Paper Order Entry”
2.     Click the girl's name
3.     Enter her total nut/chocolate items by variety from her order card
Parents to enter/add/edit paper order card orders:
1.     From the Dashboard, click “Manage Paper Orders”
2.     Enter her total nut/chocolate items by variety from her order card
Parents to choose reward options:
1.     From the Parent Dashboard, click “Physical Rewards”
2.     Choose the reward desired
Check on Personalized Patches:
1.     From the Dashboard, click “Personalized Patch”
2.     Find participant you are looking for
3.     “In production at patch company” means the patch is being created
4.     “Action Required” means the is not enough information to complete the production process (most likely missing an address or didn’t create an avatar)
SUFPM can set up time slots for product pick-up in M2:
1.     From SU Dashboard, click “Manage Service Unit, Troops and Girl Scouts”
2.     Click on the Service Unit
3.     Once GSNCA has entered your delivery date, click “Edit”
4.     Locate number 2, “Product Delivery Agent and Pick Up Times”
5.     Click toggle to “Set troop pick-up date and time”
6.     Click toggle to “Allow for pick-up time intervals”
7.     Choose date of pick-up
8.     Choose start and end times
9.     Choose interval amount
10.  Choose slots per interval (GSNCA recommends this be ONE)
11.  Add any time you will NOT be available (lunch/break times)
12.  Click “Add Another Pick-Up Date” as needed
13.  Click “Show Pick-Up Dates to Troops” when you are ready for the TFPMs to choose their pick-up date and time
*Please note, once these times are shown to troop leaders, you CANNOT change or remove them.
TFPM selects pick-up slot in M2:
1.     Once the SUFPM has selected the toggle to “Show Pick-Up Dates to Troops”, the TFPM will be able to select a date and time for their pick-up
2.     TFPM logs into M2
3.     M2 displays a prompt to select the pick-up date and time
4.     TFPM will choose the date and time for their pick-up
5.     Click “Save and Continue”
*Please note, participation in this feature is completely up to the SUFPM. Not every Service Unit will use this feature.
Print Delivery Tickets:
1.     Once GSNCA submits the product order to M2 (October 21, early AM), Delivery Tickets will be populated
2.     From the dashboard, click “Delivery Tickets” under “Product Management”
3.     Print the ticket(s) as needed
·       Give clear and detailed deadlines, with plenty of notice, for when your parents should turn in Fall Product funds.
·       Keep a record of any communication you have with parents so if there are any issues later, you can prove you did your best to collect the funds.
·       The Delinquent Account Procedure Form at the link below should be completed if you have any parents who owe a balance:
·       https://www.girlscoutsnca.org/en/cookies/fall-product-sales.html
·       Let your SUFPM, SU Manager, and/or me know what is going on as soon as possible so we can help!
Parents to see who placed girl-delivered orders online:
·       Click “[Girl’s name]’s Sales Reports” from the parent’s dashboard
·       Click “Online Nuts Girl Delivered”
·       The first graph shows the quantity of each item they should receive from the Troop Fall Product Manager for online girl-delivered orders (this does not include order card orders)
·       The rest of the document lists each item that each supporter purchased
Parents to see what products they ordered as paper order card orders:
·       Click “Sales Reports” from the parent’s dashboard
·       Click “Nut Order Card”
·       This lists the quantity of each item they should receive from the Troop Fall Product Manager for paper order card orders (this does not list online girl-delivered orders or who placed these orders with the parent/girl)
TFPMs to see what products they will receive from the SUFPM:
·       Click “Reports” from the admin dashboard
·       Click “Special Reports”
·       Click “Troop Orders”
·       Columns “L” through “AA” list the quantity of each product ordered as girl-delivered (online and paper order cards)
TFPMs to see what products to distribute to each girl:
·       Click “Reports” from the admin dashboard
·       Click “Special Reports”
·       Click “Girl Orders”
·       Columns “M” through “AB” list the quantity of each product ordered as girl-delivered (online and paper order cards)
SUFPM to see what products will be delivered for their Service Unit:
·       Click “Reports” from the Service Unit dashboard
·       Click “Special Reports”
·       Click “Service Unit Orders”
·       Columns “L” through “AA” list the quantity of each product ordered as girl-delivered (online and paper order cards)
SUFPM to see what products to distribute to TFPMs:
·       Click “Reports” from the Service Unit dashboard
·       Click “Special Reports”
·       Click “Troop Orders”
·       Columns “L” through “AA” list the quantity of each product ordered as girl-delivered (online and paper order cards)
SUFPM to see what time slots TFPMs have chosen for their pickup:
·       Click “Reports” from the Service Unit dashboard
·       Click “Special Reports”
·       Click “Troop Delivery Pick Up Times”
All Sales tab:
·       Shows detailed information at a glance including online magazines, direct shipped nuts, nut order card, online girl delivered, and total sales

Products and Financials Report:
·       Available for levels you have access to (SUFPM can see Service Unit, Troop, and Girls. TFPM can see Troop and Girls. Parents can see Girl)
·       Shows detailed information such as number of girls registered, selling, participating, per girl average, emails sent, sales numbers, payments made, and balances due
Rewards Report:
·       Available for levels you have access to (SUFPM can see Service Unit, Troop, and Girls. TFPM can see Troop and Girls. Parents can see Girl)
·       Shows quantities of rewards