2022 What am I supposed to be doing as Troop Fall Product Manager?

  In a perfect world, this is what the GSNCA Product Programs

team suggests you should do during these times:


Early - Mid-August 2022:

1.      Make sure the items below have been completed to be confirmed as the Troop Fall Product Manager for your troop:

·        Current 2022 Girl Scouts Membership

·        Current eligible Background Check

·        Current Troop ACH Form on file with GSNCA

·        Complete a Position Description: CLICK HERE

Expected Completion Date - August 1

2.      Plan a meeting to be held before September 10 to pass the materials out to the troop.                                            Expected Completion Date - August 20

3.      After August 21, your Service Unit Fall Product Manager will contact you to pick-up the girls' materials. Pick-up the girls' materials.

·        Troop Envelope - 1 per troop

·        Troop Fall Product Manager Manual - 1 per troop

·        Product Receipt sheets - 4 receipts per sheet, 4 sheets per troop

·        Order card - 1 per girl

·        Money Envelope - 1 per girl

·        Girl Flyer - 1 per girl

·        Parent Permission Forms - 1 per girl

o   also available online: CLICK HERE

o   you must give a valid email address to parents for them to complete the online form

o   either the paper form OR the online form MUST be completed before the girl can participate in the Fall Product Program

                        Expected Completion Date - August 31


Late-August - September 2022:

1.      Decide if the girls will accept funds while ordering or if they should wait until they deliver.

*NEW troops should request payment at the time the order is taken to reduce risk of non-payment.

2.      Decide if the troop will accept checks.

*If the troop does not accept checks but a parent wants to: the parent can accept checks made out to themselves, deposit into their own account, then turn in cash to the TFPM.

3.      Decide how frequently, and the specific dates, for parents to turn in money for orders.

*ACH withdrawal from Troop bank account of the final balance due will be processed December 1, 2022.

4.      Confirmed Troop Fall Product Managers will receive an email on September 2, 2022, to setup or login to their volunteer account on M2.

·        Login to M2

·        Watch training video

o You cannot continue to the program site without watching the entire video

o Access this video anytime by clicking “Training Video” (under Campaign Setup)

·        Send Parent/Guardian Email Blast

o Add email addresses of parents if needed

o You can send this multiple times as a reminder or as new parents join.

o If you do not send this email blast, girls/parents will not receive the registration email on the first day of the program – they will receive it automatically approximately 2 days after the program begins.

o This is a new requirement for TFPMs to earn their own personalized patch

·        Check for missing girls:

o Click on “Manage Troops & Girls Scouts” (below Manage System Users)

o Click on “Girl Scouts” in pink

o Check the girls listed in M2 compared to the roster in MyGS

§  Missing a girl? Contact Membership Support at 1-800-734-4541

5.      Host a troop meeting about Fall Product:

·        Tell parents and girls:

      • when to accept funds
        • while taking the order or at delivery
      • when the program starts and ends
        • September 16 – October 17
      • when they will enter in-person orders in M2
        • before 11:59 pm October 17
      • when they will select rewards in M2
        • before 11:59 pm October 20
      • when they can expect their product
        • SUFPM receives the product November 5-9; expect TFPM to receive the product November 10 - 14; expect parents to receive the product November 15-19
      • when they will turn in money
        • the deadline(s) is up to you but no later than November 25

·        ALL TROOPS can opt-out of rewards in lieu of additional proceeds (additional 5%).

o   This must be a girl-led decision – not adult.

o   To opt-out, contact Membership Support at 1-800-734-4541.

·        Explain delivery types:

o   “Girl-delivered” means the girl will personally deliver the order to the customer

§  Orders for girl-delivery can be in-person orders on the paper order card or received through the online storefront in M2.

§  Product will be shipped to the SUFPM, distributed to the TFPM, distributed to the family, then delivered by the Girl Scout.

§  If parents receive an order for girl delivery that cannot be delivered, please reach out to M2 Customer Service before October 17 to cancel the order – 1-800-372-8520

o   Direct shipped means the order will ship directly to the customer from the warehouse - the girl will not physically manage these orders

§  Orders for direct shipping can only be completed online.

§  Magazines can ONLY be purchased online.

·        Explain in-person orders and online orders

o   In-person orders:

§  These orders are written on the paper order card.

§  These must be entered into M2 before 11:59 pm October 17 for the product to be ordered.

o   Online orders:

§  These orders are paid for online when placed.

§  Can be shipped directly to the customer.

§  Can be girl-delivered.

§  DO NOT enter online orders in the paper order card portion on M2. This will create a DUPLICATE amount of product ordered.

Product CANNOT be returned to GSNCA. The parent will be responsible for the cost of the product ordered.

·        Distribute:

o   Order card - 1 per girl – make sure to review the rewards

o   Money Envelope - 1 per girl

o   Girl Flyer - 1 per girl

§  you must give a valid email address to parents for them to complete the online form

§  either the paper form OR the online form MUST be completed to participate in the Fall Product Program

                        Expected Completion Date - September 10


September 2022:

1.      Encourage girls to attend one of the Girl Virtual Fall Product Rallies:

§  Option 1: September 15, 2022, 9 am - CLICK HERE

2.      Encourage parents that are having issues with logging in, or using M2, to attend one of the Parent Assistance Virtual Meetings:

§  Option 1: September 19, 2021, 6 pm - CLICK HERE

3.      Encourage girls to meet their goals!

4.      Start prepping parents to enter their order card by 11:59 pm October 17, 2022.


October 2022:

1.      Fall Product Program ends October 17, 2022, at 11:59 pm

§  Online links will no longer be active to receive orders.

§  Girls should not take any in-person orders after this date.

2.      Remind Parents/guardians to enter in-person orders that were taken on the order card into M2 by October 17, 2022, at 11:59 pm

§  Do not enter online purchases.

§  There is not a “Submit” button to press when finished.

3.      Troop Fall Product Managers can enter or edit the order card orders between 12 am October 19, 2022, & 11:59 pm October 20, 2022

§  Check page 3 of your TFPM Manual for instructions

§  There is a process to order extra product for the troop to sell. Contact twildhaber@girlscoutsnca.org for more information.

4.      Service Unit Fall Product Managers can enter or edit the order card orders between 12 am October 19, 2022 & 11:59 pm October 20, 2022

§  After this deadline: NO CHANGES ARE POSSIBLE

§  There is not a “Submit” button to press.

5.      Families must choose the reward for each level by 11:59 pm October 20, 2022.

§  If no choice is made, the girl will receive the default item

§  Only parents can choose rewards for girls – not TFPMs, SUFPMs, or GSNCA staff

6.      Meet with parents and accept payments frequently to reduce the risk to your troop.

§  Use receipts to document payments received - CLICK HERE

§  You must have proof you received funds from parents.

7.      Deposit funds OFTEN to reduce the risk to your troop.

§  You must keep deposit receipts for at least two years.

§  These can be included in the financial recap to your troop after the Fall Product Program ends.


November 2022:

1.      During the week of November 5-9, SUFPMs will receive all the girl-delivered products for the Service Unit

§  You will be contacted to pick up your troop order


§  You are responsible for whatever number of items you sign for…

§  Ensure you sign and keep a copy of a receipt stating the amount of product you picked up

2.      Keep product cool, dry, and away from chemicals, pests, pets, and other toxins.

3.      Pull Delivery Tickets for each girl

§  Click “Delivery Tickets” (under Product Management)

§  Enter the troop number (under Product Delivery Tickets, Girl Scout Tickets)

§  Select one girl or “All Girls” to print the entire troop at once

§  Select the toggle to "Include Financials” if you the breakdown of how much funds the family owes after receiving credit for their online orders

§  Click “Create Ticket”

§  Delivery Tickets will download

§  Print two copies of each delivery ticket (one for your records, the other for the parent to keep)

§  Use these to separate the orders by girl

4.      Arrange pick-up dates & times with parents to receive their orders.

5.      Once parents arrive to pick-up their orders, count each item on the delivery ticket together to ensure an accurate count.

§  You can use the delivery tickets or receipt sheets to document what was given

§  Ensure you have a LEGIBLE signed document/receipt stating the amount of each product you gave to each parent

§  You must hold on to these tickets/receipts for at least two years

§  If there are issues with payment later down the road, you must have proof of what you gave the parents

6.      Encourage parents and girls to deliver orders as soon as possible

§  Happy customers = return customers!

7.      Meet with parents and accept payments frequently to reduce the risk to your troop.

§  Use receipts to document payments received - CLICK HERE

§  You must have proof you received funds from parents.

8.      Deposit funds OFTEN to reduce the risk to your troop.

§  You must keep deposit receipts for at least two years.

§  These can be included in the financial recap to your troop after the Fall Product Program ends.

9.      Rewards will be delivered to SUFPM November 5-9 (estimated)

§  Follow the same process as receiving product when receiving rewards from the SUFPM

10.   Schedule a troop meeting or parent pick-up of rewards

11.   Pull Delivery Tickets for each girl

§  Click “Delivery Tickets” (under Product Management)

§  Enter the troop number (under Reward Delivery Tickets, Girl Scout Tickets)

§  Select one girl or “All Girls” to print the entire troop at once

§  Click “Create Ticket”

§  Delivery Tickets will download

§  Print two copies of each delivery ticket (one for your records, the other for the parent to keep)

§  Use these to separate the rewards by girl

12.   Once parents arrive to pick-up their orders, count each reward on the delivery ticket together to ensure an accurate count.

§  You will use the delivery tickets to document what was given

§  Ensure you have a LEGIBLE signed document stating the number of rewards you gave to each parent

§  You must hold on to these tickets for at least two years

13.   Collect remaining balances due from families

Required Deadline – November 25, 2022

14.   Turn in a Delinquent Account Form for any parent who has not paid their balance in full

§  Include paper permission form or document the form was completed online

§  Include receipts of product delivery

§  Include receipts of funds received

Required Deadline – November 29, 2022

15.   Submit a Product Program ACH Extension Request if needed

§  Should you not have the required amount to cover the ACH withdrawal scheduled November 29th, submit this form to twildhaber@girlscoutsnca.org

Required Deadline – November 30, 2022