is the theme and mascot?
year’s theme is “Go Bright Ahead”. The Fall Product mascot is the Hawaiian Monk Seal .
does my troop need to participate in the Fall Product Program?
must complete the following in order to participate in the 2022 Girl Scout Fall
Product Program:
1. Have a Troop Fall Product Manager
who is background checked and registered for the 2022 Membership Year
2. Must have a bank account and
submit an ACH Authorization Form
3. Troop Fall Product Managers must sign a Troop Fall Product Manager Position Description at 2022 Fall Product Program? Fall Product Program - Parent Permission Form - Formstack
Scouts wishing to participate must be registered for the 2022 Membership Year
and have a signed parent permission form on file with their Troop Fall Product
Manager. Parent permission forms can be completed online as well: https://gsnca.formstack.com/forms/parent_permission_form_fall_product_program
profiles that are created in M2, but are not tied to a registered girl, will
not fully launch. Emails will not send and site links will not be operational
until her membership is active.**
troop is not participating in the Fall Product Program. Can my Girl Scout still
with your troop to verify that your troop meets eligibility requirements.
Participation in the program is easy! Troops can participate in-person, online
or both depending on the time commitment your troop wants. If your girl wishes
to participate and your troop has not identified a Fall Product Manager, you
may participate following the same guidelines as a Juliette/Individually
Registered Girl Scout. Contact twildhaber@girlscoutsnca.org to participate.
are the benefits of participating in the Fall Product Program?
program is an integral part of a Girl Scout’s journey toward leadership, and learning
and developing the 5 Skills to use a lifetime. This is an easy and fun way for
your troop to prep for the Girl Scout Cookie Program. Girls and troops will
learn and practice inventory management, reward distribution, money collection
and financial tracking. Girls will be able to practice their online marketing skills
as well.
participation in the Fall Product Program required?
girls/troops can choose to participate in all, one or no components of the
program. However, it is a great way for troops to practice their online
marketing, inventory management, contactless deliveries, and more in
preparation for the Girl Scout Cookie Program.
can I find the documents for the fall product program?
troop is not participating. Why am I getting emails?
registered girls and leaders were loaded into M2 before the program started. It
is very common for troops to initially decide against Fall Product but end up
joining after the program has already started. Please feel free to delete any
emails you receive if you continue to choose not to participate in the Fall Product
am concerned about COVD-19. Is it safe to participate in the program?
and girl safety is our top priority. The Girl Scout Fall Product Program is a
friends and family sale that is an integral part of a Girl Scout’s journey
toward leadership, and learning and developing the 5 Skills. We highly
encourage girls to take advantage of our M2 online storefront for touch-less
transactions. Customers pay for products online so there is no physical money
handling. Girls will deliver product in November, maintaining that personal
connection. Girls are encouraged to practice social distancing and ensure they
are following state and local guidelines no matter how they are participating.
is the deadline to participate?
and Girl Scouts can participate at any time as long as they meet participation
will I receive my troop/girl supplies?
supplies are mailed to Service Unit Fall Product Managers for distribution to
troops. Please contact your Troop Fall Product Manager for pick-up
do girls need to turn in to their troop Fall Product Manager?
permission forms should be turned in to troop Fall Product Managers before a
girl begins selling. At the end of the Fall Product Program, girls should turn
in orders and money to their Troop Fall Product Manager. Girls will need their
order cards for product distribution so they are encouraged to make copies of
their order cards. If parents have already submitted orders in the M2 system,
they only need to turn in money to their troops.
a troop do booth sales?
No, there are no booth sales for fall since it
is intended to be a friends and family program. However, there is an option for
troops to order extra product. Please contact twildhaber@girlscoutsnca.org for more information.
troops have to participate in all components of the Fall Program?
girls/troops can choose to participate in all, one or no components of the
Training, Leadership Summit August 27, 2022
for Troop Volunteers September 9, 2022
Girl Fall Product Rally 6p September 15, 2022
Virtual Training 6 pm September
19, 2022
Fall Product Program Ends - Family deadline for entering October 17, 2022
orders into M2OS, 11:59 pm
deadline to make reward choices, 11:59 pm October
20, 2022
of in-person nut/chocolate items to Service Units October 31 - November 4, 2022
Rewards Delivery to SUFPMs December 5 - 9, 2022
monies due must be turned in to TFPM November
25, 2022