If you have found yourself desperate for more cookies and a local cupboard isn't open, you can find cookies other troops have available in eBudde! Use the Cookie Exchange in eBudde to see what varieties other Troop Cookie Managers have available, so you can restock conveniently and quickly!
To find extra cookies to restock your inventory:
1. Login to eBudde.
2. Click Cookie Exch (Cookie Exchange).
3. Click the variety you need to display the troops who have posted extra inventory.
4. You will be able to see the troop number, number of cookies available, first name as it appears in the Contacts tab of eBudde, email address, and Service Unit number. If you hover over the email address, the zip code for this individual will appear. Troops in Service Units close to you are listed towards the top. I also included a map of the Service Units on the bottom of this post for your convenience!
5. Click on the email address to contact the troop to arrange the exchange.
6. When you are ready to transfer the packages, either troop can enter the transfer in the Transactions tab in eBudde.
7. Click "Add a Transaction".
8. Change the "2nd Party" to "Troop".
9. Enter the Troop number. Enter the pickup date.
10. Enter the variety of cookies being transferred.
11. Ensure the Product Movement drop-down box reflects the correct transaction type:
- If you are receiving the packages from another troop, change this to "Add Product".
- If you are giving the packages to another troop, change this to "Remove Product".
12. Click "Save/Print" or "Okay". If you click "Okay", ensure to click "Save" on the Transactions tab as well!
I have included a map of the Service Unit numbers to help you narrow down the general location of troops for your convenience!