Assigning cookies to a girl:

 Any time you give cookies to a girl/parent:

        You must write a detailed and accurate receipt (including signatures from you and the parent!!) as proof they received the cookies. If further action is needed at the end of the program, you MUST have these!!

        You must enter a transaction into eBudde to update her balance.

·         Click on the Girl Orders tab.

·         Click on the girl.

·         Click Add Trans.

·         A green row will show on the bottom of the screen.

·        Enter information in the long green memo box on the left. This could be corresponding receipt numbers, descriptions like “Cookies on the Go” or “Goal Getter Card Orders”, or anything that will help you understand what this transaction is!

·         Click the checkmark under the INV column so the transaction will show to the Caregivers in Digital Cookie.

·         Enter the PACKAGES given to the girl.

·         Click OK.

·         Click Save.

 To remove cookies/funds from the Troop Site Link:
     *Make sure to do this step first so the cookies are available to assign to live girls*

·         Click on the Girl Orders tab.

·         Click on the Troop Site Link.

·         Click Add Trans.

·         A green row will show on the bottom of the screen.

·        Enter information in the long green memo box on the left. This can be "moving to [girl]" or "distributing to live girls".

·         Enter a NEGATIVE for the PACKAGES you are removing. I.E., you are moving 6 Lemon-up and 12 Thin Mints - enter (-6) in the Lemon-up column and (-12) in the Thin Mints column.

·         Enter a NEGATIVE for the funds you are removing. I.E., you are moving $161.00 - enter (-$161.00) in the PAID column.

·         Click OK.

·         Click Save.